
  In 2019: Lovewater Greenland IVS  is excited to announce it has been granted the licenses to export ice and water out of the Glaciers known as L-01, L-02 and L-03 of the five locations in the tender. The grant of these license is a result of a lengthy process. The...


Transition   After evaluating for more than two years to export bulk-water by converted ex-VLCC oil tankers, we encountered two considerable downsides.     1)    The prices per M3 at destinations are not competitive. (Water is labeled as...


Mission: Watering our future….. Serving the Northern Hemisphere with potable water by shipment or through a submarine pipe-line to America, and exporting water as:   Hydrogen.   LWG has an agreement to incorporate a JV with for the production of hydrogen in...


   ContactLoveWater Greenland IVSQullilerfik 2, 6.3900


Our utmost gratitude to the people of Greenland for sharing their abundance of their high quality mineral water with a thirsty and drying world….   We often lose sight…That  water has a central role in our daily life.  Greenland’s  Ice Cap is daily melting billions...